During the lifecycle of a delivery, Curri sends a handful of correspondences to keep you and your delivery contacts — whether that be a colleague, customer, vendor — in the know.
Customers have the ability to toggle on and off SMS and Email correspondence.
📱 Text Notifications
Upon booking
To the booker: "CURRI: Your delivery from [origin address] to [destination address] has been booked. Track: [tracking link] [ID: ABC123]"
To the pickup contact: "CURRI: We've received a delivery request for [origin address] [today/on date]. Track/help: [tracking link]"
Driver Assignment
To the booker: "CURRI: [Driver Name] [is en route to pickup/has been assigned your scheduled delivery] from [origin address] to [destination address]. [ID: ABC123]"
Status Updates
To the booker: "CURRI: Your delivery [ID: ABC123] status: [Driver] has [arrived at pickup/started delivery/arrived at destination/completed delivery]"
To the pickup contact: "CURRI: Driver has arrived for pickup at [origin address]"
To the drop-off contact: "CURRI: Driver is en route to deliver to [destination address]. Track: [tracking link]"
Issue Management
To the booker: "CURRI: We are sorry! Our driver is taking longer to arrive than expected. We are actively working with the driver to get them to the pickup location as fast as possible. Track our progress: [tracking link] [ID: ABC123]"
Proof of Pickup and Proof of Delivery
To the drop-off contact, once driver leaves origin: "Here is your proof of pickup: [image of delivery loaded up]"
To the drop-off contact, , once driver delivers order: "Here is your proof of delivery: [image of delivery loaded up]"
Note, photos are disabled for multi-stop deliveries.
Additional context about SMS messaging:
Messages only sent if text notifications are enabled in your notification settings
Messages only sent to pickup/drop-off contacts if filled out during booking
Contact numbers matching the booker's number are skipped to avoid duplicates
Slight message variations exist for specific accounts
Messages will not be delivered successfully to landlines and numbers who have unsubscribed
📱 Email Notifications
Booking Phase
To the booker: "Delivery booked" confirmation with pickup/drop-off details and tracking link
To tracking email addresses: "Delivery booked! Live tracking for Curri order [orderNumber/externalId]"
Custom Quote Requests
To the booker: "We're working on a quote for your delivery ([externalId]) from [origin city, state] to [destination city, state]"
Driver Assignment
To the booker: "Driver assigned" with driver details and tracking information
To tracking email addresses: Driver assignment confirmation (if configured)
Delivery Completion
To the booker: "Delivery Complete" email including:
Delivery details
Driver information
Origin/destination addresses
Proof of Pickup and Proof of Delivery images
Signature images
Delivery method details
Issue Management
To the booker: Delay apology emails
To the booker: Service disruption notifications
To the booker: Potential discount offers for service issues
Additional context about email notifications:
Email sending respects user notification preferences
Pickup and drop-off contacts do not receive automated email correspondence during the lifecycle of a delivery (but they do receive SMS, see above)
"Tracking email addresses" are extra contacts configured on a per account basis. Reach out to your rep to learn more
Some accounts have slight email templates/configurations differences
Tracking email addresses can be configured at the company/location level
All emails include relevant tracking links and delivery IDs